Second Lesson - Instant Blog Traffic

It’s time for your second lesson in the Instant Blog Traffic Crash Course. I hope you

found lesson one informative and learn a few things that will help you get more traffic to your blog. In this lesson, we are going over some simple tricks that will help you write killer blog posts faster.

As we discussed in your last lesson, a good blog needs high quality, interesting and fresh content to keep visitors interested and coming back for more. In theory, updating your blog may sound easy enough. However, it can be a time consuming and often-daunting task, which is why there are so many abandoned blogs floating around the internet.

Second Lesson - Instant Blog Traffic

If you want your blog to be popular and profitable you have to plan ahead and a great place to start is by setting up a blog calendar or schedule for writing and posting to your blog. This will help keep you on track as you write and help eliminate distractions.

As you create your schedule, make sure that it is conducive to your personal routines and preferences. Otherwise, it will be too hard to follow. For instance if you prefer writing early in the morning make sure your schedule reflects that. The idea is to choose a time when you are most likely to be creative.

You also want to get rid of any possible distractions so log out Twitter and Facebook. Turn the ringer off on your phone and shut down you email, close Skype and any other interruptive applications before you start. Only open the tabs you will be using for your research and close all the others to avoid wasting time. You need to be focused when writing to avoid wasting your time and to allow your creative juices to flow.

Anther tip that may sound strange to you is turning off spell checker. I know it seems crazy but it can and will help you avoid wasting time, because you can write your blog post without pausing to make corrections or to edit. Finish the entire post and then go back to correct the grammar and spelling mistakes. Doing this will help you to write faster as you will not be worried about the mistakes.
Before you start, writing take some time and gather all the information and essentials you’ll need when you’re writing. Whether it’s a glass of water, cup of coffee or your favorite snack get it before you sit down. It’s also a good idea to conduct any research necessary to get the job done that way you can write without stopping to look something up or to check on certain facts.

Lastly, start with an outline. Just like an article, a good blog post should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. If you take the time to write down the main points of your post, before you begin writing, you will be able to complete the task much faster by simply filling in the details. You should also break your post up into readable chunks by incorporating and attractive heading and subheadings. 

Once you are done writing your blog, turn on the spell checker and go through your work correcting all the grammar and spelling mistakes. Read the post and edit it as necessary to ensure that the ideas flow and that the blog post is flawless. By using these simple tricks not only will you be able to write faster it will help ensure you are able to stick to your schedule and write great blog posts that will bring in more visitors for your blog.

That is it for today's lesson. In your next lesson, we will be talking about the wonderful benefits of networking with other bloggers.