Fifth Lesson - Instant Blog Traffic

Well, we have come to the final lesson in the Instant Blog Traffic Crash Course. I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed your lessons and learned some great ways to boost traffic, views and profits for your blog.

Over the last few lessons, we have gone over some great ways to attract more visitors to your blog and while that is great what is the point of having all those visitors if they aren’t converting into profits? That is why in this lesson we’re going to go over some great ways to improve your blog conversions.
Conversion rate optimization is a systematic and structured way of refining the performance of your blog. It’s based on the percentage of people who perform certain actions like clicking a link, subscribing or making a purchase. Understanding what visitors do when they are on your blog makes it possible to improve its performance and its conversions, which ultimately leads to more profits.

One of the best ways to increase conversions is to create urgency. Why should the visitor purchase your product now? Customers can be encouraged to complete a purchase through perception of rarity. For example, having promotional discounts and free gifts with purchases from your site. When your create urgency in the minds of the customers, their emotional reactions will override their sensible buying behavior.

Having a clear value proposition is also very important. Your value proposition gives a summary of all the benefits and costs of buying your product. If the consumer realizes that the benefits outweigh the costs then they will get motivated to become a customer. To improve your conversion rate, you should emphasize the most magnificent parts of your value proposition. Convince the visitors why you are better than your competitors.

Set up and easy to follow sales funnel for your visitors. A good funnel involves all the steps they need to take to complete the process. This includes their first visit, consuming content, checking out your product, adding product to the basket, beginning checkout and finally finishing checkout. In order to increase the number of visitors who go through the funnel, make the selling process has to be easy.

set up optimized landing pages. A landing page is any web page that a visitor finds after clicking a link to your blog. Don’t assume that all of your visitors hit your home page and sift through all of your posts looking for what they want. Most of the time they come in through subpages or landing pages.

By having specific pages set up for the different products you offer you will see higher conversions and if you incorporate specific keywords it will also help improve your search engine rankings.

Lastly, make sure your visuals are effective. A picture is worth a thousand words, ant the right images can solidify why customers need to buy your products. For instance, if you sell armchairs use images that will help your visitors envision how your products will look like in their homes.

As we close this final lesson, I would like to thank you again for joining me for this short course. I sincerely hope that you have learned a lot about how to boost traffic, views and profits for your blog and even though your lessons have come to an end I want you to know that you can still feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how to
turn your blog into a big success.
Fifth Lesson - Instant Blog Traffic